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Gun Range Terminology for Beginners: Understanding Common Phrases and Terms

As a beginner shooter, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed when you arrive at the gun range. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you navigate the experience! There are several phrases and terms that we’ll be using during our time at the range that may be unfamiliar to you, so let’s go over them now.

Hot versus Cold

First, we’ll start with the terms used to indicate the status of the range. “Hot Range” means that the range is open and live fire is allowed. When the range is “cold,” no firearms may be fired. I’ll let you know the status of the range at all times, so be sure to listen carefully.

Start and Stop Shooting

If I ever say “Cease Fire,” it means that firing must stop immediately. This can be called for a variety of reasons, such as to correct a safety violation or to change targets. “Line is Hot” is another phrase you’ll hear from me. This means that you can begin firing your weapon.


Now let’s talk about some key safety terms. “Muzzle Awareness” is about keeping your firearm pointed in a safe direction at all times. I’ll teach you how to do this properly.

When we’re setting up your target, I’ll make sure it’s “Downrange,” which means it should always be facing away from us and towards the backstop. Speaking of the backstop, this is the barrier located at the end of the range that stops bullets from going any further. It’s important to understand the backstop and its role in keeping everyone safe.

Safety First

We’ll also discuss “Eye and Ear Protection,” which is required while shooting at a range. This includes shooting glasses and earplugs.

Finally, we have the “Range Safety Officer.” This person is responsible for enforcing the rules of the range and ensuring that everyone follows safe shooting practices. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask the RSO for help.

By understanding and using these common phrases and terms, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and safely during our time at the range. Remember, safety always comes first. Let’s have fun and enjoy the experience!